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Pug language image

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The name of a characteristic feature of an object instead of the object: Sometimes, however, the stylistic use of this change of meaning can be still felt, and then it is perceived as a figure of speech: The whole town was out in the streets (= the people of the town).ģ. This is such a frequent type of transference of meaning in the language system that in many cases (like the latter example), it is not perceived as a stylistic device. He drank a whole glass of whiskey (= drank the liquid contained in a glass). The name of a container instead of the contents: In a similar way, the word crown (to fight for the crown) may denote «the royal power/the king» the word colours in the phrase to defend the colours of a school denotes the organization itself.Ģ. Washington and London (= USA and UK) agree on most issues He was followed into the room by a pair of heavy boots (= by a man in heavy boots) cf the Russian: «Да, да», ответили рыжие панталоны (Чехов).

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The name of a part instead of the name of a whole (synecdoche, синекдоха): In cases of metonymy, the name of one object is used instead of another, closely connected with it. Metaphors are usually more expressive and more emotionally coloured than similes just because they do not express the comparison openly. a metaphor in What an ass he is! with the simile He is stupid as an ass. Note that, unlike a simile, a metaphor contains a covert (not expressed openly) comparison, which is already included in the figurative meaning of a word: cf. Similes may contain no special connector expressing comparison, as in: She climbed with the quickness of a cat He reminded me of a hungry cat.Ĭomparative constructions are not regarded as simile if no image is created, viz., when the object with which something is compared, is not accepted as a generally known example of the quality: John skates as beautifully as Kate does She is not so clever as her brother John is very much like his brother. Rise like lions after slumber, in unvanquishible number, Shake your chains to earth, like dew That in sleep had fallen on you.

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If he resists, the machine will crush him to pieces.

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He whirls along, he is dizzy, he is helpless. The average New Yorker is caught in a machine. the metaphoric representation of a city as a powerful and dangerous machine in the example below: Metaphors may be simple, when expressed by a word or phrase ( Man cannot live by bread alone – by things satisfying only his physical needs), and complex (prolonged, or sustained, сложная метафора), when a broader context is required to understand it, or when the metaphor includes more than one element of the text cf. Bacon) pitiless cold cruel heat virgin soil a treacherous calm. Not only objects can be compared in a metaphor, but also phenomena, actions or qualities: Some books are to be tasted, others swallowed, and some few to chewed and digested (F. He is not a man, he is just a machine What an ass you are! the childhood of mankind the dogs of war, a film star. Metaphor denotes a transference of meaning based on resemblance ( перенос, основанный на сходстве), in other words, on a covert ( скрытое) comparison: The term Figures of speech (фигуры речи, тропы, образные средства) is frequently used for stylistic devices that make use of a figurative meaning of the language elements and thus create a vivid image ( образ). Stylistic Devices Making Use of the Meaning of Language Units (Figures of Speech) Part 3 Expressive Means of Language (Stylistic Devices)Īs expressive means, language uses various stylistic devices which make use either of the meaning or of the structure of language units.

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